Samira Kumar Bio

Hi. I’m Samir from India and I currently live in California. I have completed my Master of Science in Business Analytics from UC Irvine for 2018-19. I’m interested in the statistical and technical side of sports (especially football/soccer) and will use this blog to publish new ideas and concepts. I’m also apply machine learning to solve interesting problems in sports and other areas of interest. I’m always looking to improve and learn new concepts.
I’m currently looking for full term job opportunities in Data Science and Visualization in USA.

I mostly work with Python and Tableau and use some R as well. I sometimes use Coral Video Studio and Coral Draw for video and image editing. I love data visualisation and use Python for it (mostly use Bokeh, Datashader, Geoviews and few other packages). Please feel free to contact me. You can find my contact details on the contacts page. My resume can be found below.